
Shelly King RN, MSN, CPNP

Nurse Practitioner, Riley Hospital for Children

Shelly King is a pediatric nurse practitioner at Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University. She is team lead for the APPs and the manager of the Children's Continence Center. Shelly has more than 35 years’ experience in the field of pediatric urology, reconstructive surgery, and urodynamics. Her clinical expertise is in the care of neuropathic bladder, surgical reconstruction of the urinary tract, refractory bladder and bowel disorder, and sacral neuromodulation. She has served the professional community as advisor to the Pediatric Urology Nurses Board, past chair of the organization's section of the AAP, and director of the Urodynamic Educational Course for SUNA. As adjunct faculty to IU School of Nursing, she works with advanced practice students. Many educational tools for parents and patients were developed by Ms. King. To her credit are multiple professional publications, lectures, and awards. Her personal commitment is to continence and urinary health in children.
