Leanne Schimke was a urology nurse practitioner at Keystone Urology Specialists in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where she specialized in advanced prostate cancer but treated all types of urology problems. Specialty Networks awarded her advanced prostate cancer program a Center of Excellence Award in 2022 and she was recognized as an outstanding nurse practitioner navigator. She has worked in urology as an RN and NP for 41 years and just recently retired. She obtained CBUNA certification as a urology nurse practitioner in 2005 and is an active member in SUNA, previously serving as treasurer and on the uroLogic planning committees. She has been a speaker on a variety of urology topics since 2005 at both the local and national levels. She was a reviewer of various chapters in the Core Curriculum for Urological Nursing 2016 and is a coauthor of the renal cancer and prostate cancer chapters. She has updated the prostate cancer chapter for the new edition of the Core Curriculum.