Jane Hokanson Hawks, PhD, RN, BC, is a Professor of Nursing at Nebraska Methodist College, Omaha, Nebraska. She teaches students in the MSN Nurse Executive track. Dr. Hawks received her Doctor of Philosophy in collegiate nursing education from Widener University in Chester, Pennsylvania; her Master of Science in Nursing degree in medical-surgical nursing and nursing administration from the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing in Omaha, Nebraska; and her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota.
Dr. Hawks has worked in and has taught nursing for more than 32 years. She has practiced in and managed care in a variety of areas, including critical care, renal transplantation, orthopedics, general surgery, urology, and private duty home care nursing. She serves as the editor of Urologic Nursing and is the co-editor of the 6th through 8th editions of Medical-Surgical Nursing: Clinical Management for Positive Outcomes. The 8th edition of the textbook was name the American Journal of Nursing Medical-Surgical Nursing Book of the Year for 2008. Dr. Hawks has published over 55 articles, books, book chapters, or editorials. Her areas of research include empowerment, mentoring, nursing education, active teaching strategies, and alcoholism. She and her colleagues developed the NANDA nursing diagnosis Altered Family Process: Alcoholism (now known as Dysfunctional Family Processes: Alcoholism). Dr. Hawks co-authored Mentoring for Mission: Nurturing New Faculty at Church-Related Colleges, which was funded through a grant from the Lilly Fellows Foundation. In addition to writing and editing, Dr. Hawks serves as a manuscript reviewer for NLN's Nursing Education Perspectives and Nursing Economic$. She has also given over 55 presentations locally, nationally or internationally on a variety of topics.